I recently read a quote from Allen Arnold from www.withallen.com - ''Prophetic art is an invitation to a conversation''. That is all this is. Every person who views this painting has a reaction, an opinion and a feeling. That is well and good. We are thinking people with individual opinions. It is for the subject of the painting to receive what their personal message is.
I love and serve Jesus. I don't feel like I have had any specific message to give, besides the message of salvation through Jesus, available to anyone. All of the specific elements of this painting however, were inspired by God. How do I know? Because I would never consider putting them together myself. I don't know what the message is, held within the composition as a whole. Someone does, and I wonder if it will end up with the intended recipient. That's not for me to know or ensure. I am simply to be faithful to the project, and to put it out there to do its work. My personal prayer is that it will work God's divine favour.
For those that are interested, this is 60x80cm mixed media canvas piece. I utilised watercolour on watercolour paper, acrylics, organic additions and items donated by friends. It was completed on 2/2/22.